New Development Law

The basic institutional framework for the provision of state aid to private investment in Greece is the New Development Law – “Greece Strong Growth”.
The main changes it includes are:
  • Introduction of 13 new investment schemes
  • New regulations in the evaluation procedures
  • Increase of aid rates in Prefectures

The 3 main changes in the New Development Law

13 Thematic aid schemes with a thematic focus, instead of a horizontal approach.

For the first time, possibilities are utilized, regarding the inclusion of investment plans, independently, in its other parts, apart from the aid with regional character. Through this initiative, aid in fields such as research, innovation and environmental protection, as well as social assistance, such as vocational training and assistance for disadvantaged or disabled workers, can now become integrated investment plans.

Procedure for evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of investment plans within 60 days

Effective and efficient procedures for evaluation and control of the implementation of investment plans are introduced. An evaluation is foreseen within 45 days from the expiration of the status or within 30 days for the cases of immediate evaluation. In case the duration of the evaluation exceeds these time limits, the audit is assigned to an independent certified auditor, who must complete it within 10 days. The aim is to address bureaucratic obstacles that were a brake on investment in our country.

The new state aid map enters into force on January 1st, 2022

In the 2022-2027 period the aid rates will potentially reach:

  • up to 50% for large enterprises
  • up to 60% for medium and
  • up to 70% for small enterprises

The investment incentives offered by the Development Law

Tax exemption

Exemption from income tax. The institution can use the full eligible aid on tax exemption within 15 tax years


Free provision from the State of a cash amount to cover part of the supported costs of the investment plan

Financial leasing subsidy

Coverage by the State of part of the financial leasing for the acquisition of new mechanical and other equipment

Subsidizing the cost of the generated employment

Coverage by the State of the wage cost of the new jobs created by the investment plan. Calculated for two (2) years from the creation of each job position.

Our services

Pre-evaluation of an investment plan

Preparation of a study - dossier for the inclusion of the investment

Monitoring of the evaluation process

Monitoring of the progress of the project, preparation of audits and disbursements

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